13-10-2023 - Test
Cisco Networking Academy
Cisco offers free online courses on networking and cybersecurity. They have courses suitable for beginners and more advanced learners.
See more at: Cisco Networking Academy
I would like you to look at this courses:
Hack The Box
Hack The Box offers various cybersecurity challenges and virtual labs. Some challenges are free, while others require a subscription. It’s an excellent platform for hands-on learning.
Website: Hack The Box
- Create an account and take some of the basic challenges - app.hackthebox.com/home
- Have a look at the [HTB Academy] (https://academy.hackthebox.com)
- Create an account
- You get 70 free point
- Browse the courses and pick the ones there interest you.
- some of my recommendations:
- Introduction to Networking - 10 Points
- Intro to Network Traffic Analysis - 10 Points
- SQL Injections Fundamentals - 10 Points
- Penetration Testing Process - 50 Points
- Password Attacks - 50 Points
SANS Cyber Aces Online
SANS offers free online courses designed to teach the core concepts of cybersecurity. It covers topics like networking, operating systems, and security fundamentals.
See more at: SANS Cyber Aces Online
CyberSkills have created 3 small videos that I would like you to see.
CyberSkills - Microsoft
###CyberSkills - Venzo Cyber Security
CyberSkills - Implement Consulting Group
Haaukins er et webbaseret virtualiserings miljø, som gør det muligt at introducere cybersikkerhed og etisk hacking, nemt og uden behov for installation af programmer.
Da Haaukins er webbaseret, kører det direkte fra en browser, på alle computere. Dette gør det nemt og hurtigt at komme igang med træningen.
Haaukins er udviklet af aalborg University med støtte fra Industriens Fond.
Se mere her www.cybertraining.dk/haaukins