Run Power Bi Desktop on Azure
If you have a Mac you can run Microsoft Power BI Desktop on a Virtuel machine on Azure.
Create Virtuel Machine
First you have to create a Virtuel Machine on Azure:
- Login:
- Create a resource
- Select Windows 11 Pro - xxx
- Settings
- Region: North Europe
- Image: Windows 11 Pro, xxx
- Size Standard_B1s
- Username
- Password
- Public inbound ports: RDP (3389)
- Confirm licens
Note: Remember the username and password!
- Disk
- Create and attach a new disk
- Size: 2048 GiB
- Next: Networking
- Next: Management
- Next: Monitoring
- Next: Advanced
- Next: Tags
- Next: Review + create
- Create
The Virtuel Machine is now create - It take some time!
Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac
You can use the Remote Desktop client for Mac to work with Windows apps, resources, and desktops from your Mac computer.
Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac
Connect to you Azure Virtuel Machine with the Remote Desktop App.
Power Bi Destop
Install Microsoft Power Bi Desktop true the Microsoft Store on the Virtuel machine