Groups presentation
INT - Cybersecurity subjects
Here are some cybersecurity buzzwords that are commonly used in the industry:
- Zero Trust
- IoT
- Blockchain
- Zero-day Vulnerability
- You have to create a PowerPoint presentation explaining each of the buzzword in detalis. You need to get a good understanding of each!
- You have to present this for the Danish speaking people in the group
DK - Online kursus - IT-Universitet
IT-Universitet har opretteen serie af online kurser i it-sikkerhed rettet med medarbejdere i små og mellemstore virksomheder - sikkercyber.dk
Der er 3 hovedområder:
- Grundlæggende IT-sikkerhed – 7 moduler
- Defensiv IT-sikkerhed – 3 moduler
- Offensiv IT-sikkerhed – 3 moduler
Hvert område er opdelt i moduler og en afsluttende quiz. Hvert modul tager ca. 20 minutter at gennemføre. For at tilgå kurserne skal i oprette en konto på Sikkercyber.dk – Hvilket er gratis.
- I skal oprette en PowerPoint præsentation med de vigtigste punkter fra hvert modul
- I skal præsentere for de “engelsk” deltagere
Each group
One or two groups gets the uniq possibility to present for the other groups.
LinkedIn Learning
Leveraging ChatGPT for Smarter Cybersecurity, leveraging AI for advanced threat detection and prevention
Leveraging ChatGPT for Smarter Cybersecurity
The length of the course are 43 min.
IBM Certification
We can give you the unique opportunity to get one or more IBM certifications.
Taking an IBM certification can offer several potential benefits depending on your career goals, industry, and specific role.
Here are some reasons why you might consider an IBM certification:
Skill Validation: IBM certifications are designed to validate your expertise and skills in specific technologies, products, or solutions offered by IBM. Having a certification can demonstrate to employers or clients that you have a certain level of proficiency and knowledge.
Career Advancement: Many employers value certifications as a way to assess a candidate’s qualifications. Holding an IBM certification can make you stand out from other candidates and potentially lead to better job opportunities or career advancement within your current organization.
Industry Recognition: IBM is a well-established and respected technology company. Holding an IBM certification can enhance your professional credibility and recognition within the industry.
IBM Security brief
Read this PDF - Security that moves with your business
It is only one page!
We have created a login with this information:
- Login: www.ibm.com/training
- Username: Your KEA student e-mail
- Password:
IBM Badges
There are two badge types that support sales enablement — the Sales foundation badge and the Technical sales intermediate badge. These badges are available with curated content for many products. They’re industry recognized, verifiable, and shareable on social platforms.
Sales foundation badge
Learn how to position the IBM offering in today’s market, and articulate how it solves business problems, including differentiation from competitor offerings.
Technical sales intermediate badge
Learn the best way to demo, position the offering, and differentiate it from competitors. You will be given a demo scenario to work through, steps and tips on building the demo, and supporting content to ensure a successful outcome.
First Badge
We recommend that you start with the Badge: Data Security Sales Foundation
This badge earner understands the IBM Data Security portfolio. They understand the data protection market opportunity and the pain points and challenges customers face as they progress through digital transformation. Additionally, the badge earner can discuss and persuasively position IBM Data Security solutions to their customers and explain the benefits and differentiators of using IBM Data Security against the competition.
Next time we will be visited by a lawyer from one of the largest law firms in Denmark. He will talk about IT security from a lawyer’s point of view, focusing on the NIS 2 directive.
- Read this presentation from PWC about NIS2 - Getting Ready for the NIS2 Directive
- Read this News - NIS 2 Directive: an increased scope for a safer and cybercrime-free Union?
- What is the NIS2 Directive and what are its key requirements?
- How does Identity Security play a role in cybersecurity according to the whitepaper?
- What are Zero Trust principles and how do they contribute to cyber hygiene?
- What strategies are recommended for ransomware protection?
- Explain the significance of “privileged access management” in cybersecurity.
- What does the NIS2 Directive say about subcontractors?
Summary of the PDF
- Identity Security: The paper emphasizes the role of Identity Security in mitigating risks and enhancing cybersecurity. It talks about privileged access management, secrets management, and identity and access management.
- NIS2 Directive: The paper discusses the NIS2 Directive’s stricter incident-reporting obligations and the potential for costly sanctions, including fines of up to EUR 10 million or 2% of annual turnover.
- Cyber Hygiene: Good cyber hygiene practices are recommended, including Zero Trust principles and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
- Advanced Technologies: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is suggested to enhance security measures.
- Endpoint Security: The paper discusses how removing standing admin privileges can defend against ransomware and other cyberattacks.
- Supply Chain Security: The document addresses the importance of monitoring and controlling secrets to reduce software supply chain risks.
- Utility Sector: The paper talks about protecting increasingly connected digitalized utilities like transport, water supply, and energy against cyberattacks.
- Ransomware Protection: Strategies for defending critical infrastructure against ransomware attacks are discussed.
- Legal Disclaimer: The document includes a legal disclaimer stating that the information is for informational purposes only.