

Date Weekday Emne
28-08-2023 Monday Introduction
04-09-2023 Monday IBM Certificeringer
11-09-2023 Monday Jon Lauritzen, Partner DLA Piper
20-09-2023 Wednesday Cloud Fair 2023 - Computerworld
21-09-2023 Thursday Cloud Fair 2023 - Computerworld
25-09-2023 Monday Presentation from the Cloud Fair, LinkIn Learning
02-10-2023 Monday Digital Lead
20-11-2023 Monday Removed because of the Cloud Fair
23-11-2023 Thursday Exam Project start
01-12-2023 Friday Exam Project
15-12-2023 Friday Exam Project
20-12-2023 Wednesday Exam Project

Exam dates

The exam are in groups basede on a written group report:

  • 15 min presentation per group
  • 10 minutes per Student

Hand in 22-12-2023 at 12:00 in WiseFlow

02-01-2024 Tuesday
03-01-2024 Wednesday
22-01-2024 Monday
05-02-2024 Monday


Different recourses


The course will provide you with a solid understanding of the technical aspects of cybersecurity, as well as the economic principles that underpin it.

After this elective you will have the knowledge and skills needed to protect computer systems, networks, and data from cyber threats and attacks, and to develop effective cybersecurity strategies for organizations there are following the current regulations.

Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field with a high demand for skilled professionals in all levels. During the elective course, there will be presentations from various people from the business world. Their presentation will support the theory and put it into perspective

Components in the course

  • Cybersecurity Policy and Governance
  • Cybersecurity Risk Management
  • Network Security
  • Application Security
  • Cybersecurity Economics
  • Cybersecurity and Business Strategy
  • Cybersecurity Analytic

Knowledge and understanding

  • You will understand the basics of cybersecurity, including the different types of threats and the methods that attackers use to exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Knowledge of the regulatory and compliance frameworks that organizations use to ensure that they are meeting their cybersecurity obligations.
  • Understanding of economic principles that underpin cybersecurity, including the costs of cybersecurity breaches, the cost-benefit analysis of cybersecurity investments, and the economic incentives that drive cybercriminals.
  • Knowledge of different analytical techniques that organizations can use to monitor and detect cybersecurity threats.


This elective will be finalized by:

  • A hand-in in the form of a written group report, 4 pages, which is to demonstrate ability to combine theory and practice.
  • Group oral exam based on written group report.

Table of contents