Web Services


  • SOA
  • API
  • Restcountries API - Code
  • Spotify API - Code
  • ToDo FastAPI App - Demo
Tue Hellstern

Why We Need Software Architecture

Architecture-less software becomes unmanageable with time and hence enhance the maintenance cost drastically with every new iteration.

As each and every change becomes costlier, this approach is termed as Big Ball of Mud

Architectural approaches

Over the years of evolutions in software design, developers have come up with different architectural approaches in order to avoid the issues of architecture less software design - Big Ball of Mud.

The most famous ones.

  • Layered Architecture
  • Tiered Architecture
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Layered Architecture

This approach works on principle of separation of concerns.

Software design is divided into layer laid over one another. Each layer performs a dedicated responsibility.

Architecture divides the software into the following layers

  • Presentation Layer
  • Business Logic Layer
  • Data Link Layer

Layered Architecture


  • Simpler to implement
  • Abstraction due to separation of concerns among layers
  • Isolation between layers
  • More manageable due to low coupling


  • Less scalability
  • Monolith structure, lacking ease of modifications
  • Data has to flow from each layer one after another

Tiered Architecture

Divided the software into into tiers based on client server communication principle.

Can have one, two of n-tiered system separating the responsibilities among data provider and the consumer.

Single Tiered System

In this approach, single system is responsible to work as client as well as server and can offer ease of deployment eliminating the need of Inter System Communications (ISC).

This system are suitable only for small scale single user application and should not be used for multi user complex applications.

2-Tiered System

This system consist of two physical machines

  • server
  • client

It provides isolation among the data management operations and data processing and representation operations.

  • Client holds Presentation, Business Logic and Data link layer.
  • Server holds the Data stores such as Databases

3-Tiered / n-Tiered System

Highly scalable both horizontally and vertically. Implementing n-tiered architecture is generally costlier but offer high performance. Hence it is preferred in large complex software solutions.

It can be combined with advanced Service Oriented Architectural style to generate highly sophisticated model.

It is recommended to use this architecture when the software is complex and requires performance as well as scaling as it can be a costlier approach in terms of resources as well as time.

Difference between Layers and Tiers

Layers are the logical separation of code

  • Presentation Layer or UI Layer
  • Business Layer or Business Logic Layer
  • Data Access Layer and/or Data Layer

Tiers are the physical deployment of layers

  • Presentation Tier - UI Tier
  • The Application Tier or Business Tier
  • The Data Access Tier
  • The Database Tier – SQL Server, MySQL


SOA - Service Oriented Architecture

SOA can be described as an approach to the development process, which, based on the business, leads to the development, acquisition and use of IT solutions as a set of business support, reusable and flexible services.

  • SOA organize contexts in a vertical way
  • Multiples components can be part of the same service providing multiples capabilities (operations)
  • An SOA service is like a bounded context
  • SOA fosters reuse and composition inside the same domain
  • Each SOA service represents a group of smaller components
  • In SOA, it is common to see all services using the same technology stack and the same database technology


What is an API?

Find the best, in your opinion, description of an API

Come up with some examples of API's

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface

But what is a Interface?


Every device you use has some kind of interface.

We use these interfaces to get the device to do the thing we want.

We don't need to understand the underlying functionality.


API's provide a layer of abstraction for the user.

Abstraction hides everything but what is relevant to the user, making it simple to use.

An API is how applications talk to each other

API - Application Programming Interface

API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.

You can ask an API for data, and they API will return what you want, usually in the form of JSON or XML. You can then use the data in your application.

Every time you use an app like Facebook, send an SMS, or check the weather on your phone, you’re using an API.

API's as a way to serve your customers

Some companies are packaging API's as products.

  • Weather Underground sells access to its weather data API

    • www.wunderground.com
  • e-conomic has an API where the customers can access there data

    • www.e-conomic.com

When a company offers an API to their customers, it just means that they’ve built a set of dedicated URLs that return pure data responses — meaning the responses won’t contain the kind of presentational overhead that you would expect in a graphical user interface like a website.


There is the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), a technical specification that describes certain APIs, and there is the OpenAPI Initiative (OAI), an organization that enables specifications like OAS to thrive.


What is the difference between a Web service and an API?

An API is an interface that allows you to build on the data and functionality of another application, while a web service is a network-based resource that fulfills a specific task.

Yes, there's overlap between the two:

  • All web services are API's
  • Not all API's are web services
  • Web services require a network. APIs can be on- or offline, web services must use a network
  • Web services are usually associated with SOA
  • API's are protocol agnostic. API's can use any protocols or design styles - Web services use SOAP, REST, UDDI, XML-RPC


FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints.

Flask <> FastAPI

When to use Flask?

  • To develop web applications
  • To develop quick prototypes

When to use FastAPI?

  • To develop APIs from scratch
  • To lower the number of bugs and errors in code

Microservices, SOA, and API's combined


API - restcountries

Spotify API

Spotify provides software and app developers access to some of their data about users, playlists, and artists through a Web API.



SOA for Dummies
